L-R bottom row: Cr Peter Walker Mayor Goulburn-Mulwaree Council, Cr Chris Cherry Mayor Tweed Shire Council, Cr Mathew Dickerson Chair RCNSW and Mayor Dubbo Regional Council, Cr Doug Curran Mayor Griffith City Council, Cr Jason Hamling Mayor Orange City Council.
L-R top row: Mr Frank Zaknich CEO Albury City Council, Mr David Sherley General Manager Bathurst Regional Council, Mr Aaron Johansson CEO Goulburn-Mulwaree Council, Cr Russell Webb Deputy Chair RCNSW and Mayor Tamworth Regional Council, Cr Sam Coupland Mayor Armidale Regional Council, Mr Murray Wood CEO Dubbo Regional Council, Cr Kylie King Mayor Albury City Council, Mr Troy Green General Manager Tweed Shire Council, Mr Brett Stonestreet General Manager Griffith City Council, Mr James Roncon General Manager Armidale City Council, Cr Dallas Tout Mayor Wagga Wagga City Council.
Mayors and Chief Executive Officers from regional cities across New South Wales (NSW) have converged on southern NSW this week for a showcase of regional living.
“Regional cities are hubs for innovation and Regional Cities NSW members are thrilled to have the opportunity to visit Albury and Wagga Wagga, and also hear from Griffith City Council” Cr Mathew Dickerson Chair of Regional Cities NSW and Mayor of Dubbo explained.
Regional Cities NSW selects two cities to visit as part of its annual regional site tour program, for the purposes of sharing local solutions and building stronger ties between cities.
“Regional cities are stronger when we work together, and this regional site tour is an important part of collective problem solving,” Cr Dickerson explained.
The Regional Cities NSW site visit schedule is expected to include the following:
Griffith City Council presentation;
Albury Entertainment Centre;
Murray Art Museum Albury;
Albury Waste Management Centre;
Albury Riverside Precinct;
Lavington Sports Ground;
Wagga Wagga Special Aviation Precinct;
Riverina Intermodal Freight and Logistics Hub;
1st Recruit Training Battalion, Kapooka; and
Charles Sturt University Digital Farm Complex.
“Southern New South Wales is in hot demand as a regional migration destination, because these regional cities offer a strong sense of community, good public infrastructure and a great lifestyle,” Cr Dickerson explained.
“Regional cities often have to think outside the square to deliver for their local community, and we are really looking forward to learning from the best-practice innovations on offer,” Cr Dickerson concluded.