Mr Paul Bennett


Paul has made Local Government his chosen career since being engaged by Armidale City Council straight out of high school in 1987.  His career has now spanned six councils across NSW and he has held senior management positions since 2002.  He achieved a primary career objective to lead a large, progressive regional council when he joined Tamworth Regional Council in 2010 – the highlight of his career so far.

Paul has a Bachelor of Financial Administration (Accounting) and completed his MBA through the University of New England in 2013 with a major in Human Resource Management.  He is a Past President of Local Government Professionals NSW (previously Local Government Managers Association) and served three years on the National Board of that organisation.  He maintains an absolute passion for local government and the important role it has on the everyday lives of our local communities. He believes that the quality of any organisation is determined by the quality of its people, and that the attraction and retention of quality people can only be achieved through effective leadership.

Cristy Houghton